英文翻譯~20點!!英文高手幫忙一下!! - 旅遊

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-06-14T00:00

Table of Contents

1. when did you go on the trip ?答: <我是去年暑假去的>
2.where did you go ?答:<我去墾丁>
3.who did you go with ? 答:<我跟家人一起去的>
4.why did you go there ? 答:<我們去那裡渡假>
5.how did you go there 答:<我們開車去的>
6. how long did it take ? 答:<我們去那裡兩天>
7.what did you see there ? 答:<我在那裡看到海>
8.what did you enjoy the most about the place ? 答:< 我最喜歡那裡的夜市>
9.what didn”t you like about the place 答:<可自行回答 >
10.did you buy any souvenirs ?答:<有 ,我買了一個吊飾>
11. what do you remember the most about the place答:< 我最記得那裡的海,因為我們大家上次再那裡喝咖啡>
12.will you go there again?答:< Yes,I will go there again.>

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-06-14T20:14
1. when did you go on the trip?
Ans: We went on last summer vacation.
2.where did you go?
Ans: We went to Kenting.
3.who did you go with?
Ans: I went with my family.
4.why did you go there?
Ans: We went there for vacation.
5.how did you go there?
Ans: We went there by driving.
6. how long did it take?
Ans: We went for two days.
7.what did you see there?
Ans: I saw the sea.
8.what did you enjoy the most about the place?
Ans: I love the night market there the most.
9.what didn”t you like about the place? 答:<可自行回答 >
Ans: "You can choose to answer this question."
(ex: The traffic was not quite good during that two days.)
10.did you buy any souvenirs?
Ans: Yes, I bought a strap.
11. what do you remember the most about the place?
Ans:I was most impressed by the sea there because we had some coffee there last time.
12.will you go there again?
答:< Yes,I will go there again.>
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-06-14T17:03
I travelled last summer.
I went to the 墾丁.
I went there with my family.
We went there for vacation.
We drove there by car.
We had stayed there for two days.
We watched the sea there.
The night market is the best my favorite place.
The beach. Because it covered with a lot of the litter.
Yes, I bought a tailor&quot;s loop.
The memoralbe place was ocean, because we drank coffee there last time.
Would you go there again? Yes , I would. I would go there if I got the chance.
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-06-17T20:45
1.When did you go on the trip ?答: I went on the trip last summer.
2.Where did you go ?答:I went to Kenting.
3.Who did you go with ? 答:I went there with my family.
4.Why did you go there ? 答:Because we wanted go on a vacation.
5.How did you go there 答:We drove there.
6.How long did it take ? 答:We went there for two days.
7.What did you see there ? 答:I saw the sea there.
8.What did you enjoy the most about the place ? 答:I enjoyed the night market the most.
9.What didn‘t you like about the place 答:It was very crowded, so that‘s a drawback.
10.Did you buy any souvenirs ?答:Yes, I bought an accessory.
11.What do you remember the most about the place答:I remember the sea the most, because we drank coffee there last time.
12.Will you go there again?答: Yes,I will go there again.(好像已經有答案了!!)
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-06-17T10:43
1. when did you go on the trip ?答: I went last sumer vacation.
2.where did you go ?答:I went to Kenting.
3.who did you go with ? 答:I went with my family.
4.why did you go there ?We went on holiday to there .
5.how did you go there 答:We went there by car.
6. how long did it take ? 答:It took two days.
7.what did you see there ? 答:I saw sea there.
8.what did you enjoy the most about the place ? 答:I enjoyed there night market the most .
9.what didn”t you like about the place 答:不知道要回答什麼.
10.did you buy any souvenirs ?答:Yes,I bought a Hanging ornament.11. what do you remember the most about the place答:I remembered there sea the most beacuse we drank coffee there last time.
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2008-06-14T16:59
&lt;我是去年暑假去的&gt;I was last year summer vacation go
&lt;我去墾丁&gt;I go to Kending
&lt;我跟家人一起去的&gt;I go together with the family member
&lt;我們去那裡渡假&gt;We go to there to take vacation
&lt;我們開車去的&gt;We drive
&lt;我們去那裡兩天&gt;We go there two days
&lt;我在那裡看到海&gt;I see the sea in there
&lt; 我最喜歡那裡的夜市&gt;: I most like there night market
&lt;可自行回答 &gt;May reply voluntarily
&lt;有 ,我買了一個吊飾&gt;Has, I bought one to hang the decoration
&lt; 我最記得那裡的海,因為我們大家上次再那裡喝咖啡&gt;I most remember there sea, because our everybody previous time there drinks the coffee again
&lt; Yes,I will go there again.&gt; 是,我再將去那裡。


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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-06-14T00:00
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