請英文高手幫我檢查文法!!拜託了>< - 旅遊

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-04-07T00:00

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Years of summer. My family and I are going to Kenting. Actually My parents are rarely go out,because they are busy on work. Therefore, it was very impressed experience in the travel . Remember to reach Kenting it was midnight, the wide road without a car and figure, At this time, father parked on the roadside told us to get off and look up at the sky, all the twinkling stars in the sky , likethe stars can be catch . This moment meteor has delimited the sky and I make a wish, Until now, I never forget that, because the meteor achieve my wish.

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-04-08T11:13
Years of summer,my family and I are going to Kenting.Actually,my
parents and I rarely go out because they are busy on work.
Therefore,it was impressed experience during the travel. I remember
to reach Kenting, the time was midnight, and the wide road was without
a car and figure.At this time,Father parked on the roadside and told
us to get off and look up at the sky. All the twinkling stars are shining
in the sky as if the stars can be caught. This moment meteor has
delimited the sky and I make a wish.Until now, I never forget
that because the meteor achieves my wish.
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-04-07T02:34
During summer of one year, my family and I went on a trip to Kenting. Actually, my parents rarely went out to travel, because they were busy with their work. Therefore, this trip was a very unforgettable experience to me.I remember that it was already mid-night when we arrived Kenting. There was no car or figure on the wide road. At that time, my father parked on the roadside and told us to get off and look up at the sky. The sky were filled with twinkling stars. It seemed that I could reach out my hand and catch the stars. At this very moment, a meteor shotted across the sky and I made a wish. I will never forget that, because the meteor made my wish come true.
2012-04-08 10:44:38 補充:
2012-04-08 10:47:53 補充:
I remember to reach Kenting, the time was midnight文意有問題


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2012-04-06T00:00
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By Kyle
at 2012-04-06T00:00
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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
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By Emma
at 2012-04-06T00:00


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-04-06T00:00
我是今年第一階段過的學生明天就要去面試了.....可是我有個很大的疑問-..-那就是如果我上的系跟我所想的不一樣 ...